Our story

Faced with my own weaning journey, I soon realised I had no convenient, healthy option for feeding my baby. I am a first time mum, and like many new parents, I have become an “expert” on my baby through my networks and endless Google searches (as a Psychologist and ex-teacher I love researching everything, even the scary things!).

With my research came the sad realisation that Kenya, my home and place of birth, with its abundance of fresh, natural and healthy produce, did not have a local baby food market. The usual imported baby food pouches and packaged foods fill the supermarket aisles at alarmingly high prices, not to mention the cost to your little one’s health and the impact on the environment.

It drove me to start Little Qwean, a local company for local people supporting local suppliers and distributers.

Not only did I want the best for my own baby, but it made sense to make use of our fantastic resources that are available right here in Kenya, and buoying up our own economy.

I hope you feel the same way and will let us help you along your weaning journey. We can take some of the pressure off and leave you feeling relaxed about the process.

Not only will your baby thank you for it but so will the planet!

With love from,


Jo, Little Qwean Founder